Saturday 25 February 2012

search no further for santosha

It's niyamas week this week, which are the yogic 'to do's' in layman's terms. While the yamas are abstentations, the niyamas are principles to follow. The theory goes that when you clear your life via the yamas, there is spaciousness for the niyamas. So this rainy Sunday, I revisited the philosophy of santosha -which means contentment. For a start, I am so content with the rain, as I had the perfect excuse to hire 'Tree of Life' and cook dinner for a fellow yogi.
So, historically speaking, I've been a bit of a Princess in terms of 'I want it, I need it, I must have it'. Which really is the antithesis of what santosha stands for. I tried initially to blame it on my postcode. Double Bay didn't do it, I did. Responsiblity can provide an ugly mirror sometimes. However, any recovering addict will tell you that admission is the first necessary step on the road to recovery.
So my mirror gave me the opportunity to trade Gucci for gratitude. Which really was a necessary trade in terms of taking a holiday which didn't depend on credit cards and lead me onto another unhealthy habit.
A wise man once said that we could live simply, thus enabling others to simply live. The first step on the contentment journey is to not grasp at things outside ourselves to make us happy. Rather, look outside; observe a small child at play, smell a blooming rose that's been dampened by rainfall. Look in the mirror and rather than cursing, say thankyou.
A few tears may be shed on the road to contentment, as changing old habits are indeed cathartic processes. Embrace the opportunity, as the autumn leaves provide us with the perfect mirror for change.

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