Sometimes all that we ask for comes all at once. And then we are left with many canvasses to
choose from. Listening to santosha on cd yesterday, the tears just flowed as I
listened in gratitude to words of simple wisdom. Words from others can at times
serve to simply remind us what we already know, or better still, lead us to
question things. For me, the questioning prodded at my samskara of security and
I got accepted into my next level of yoga training and it
was a feeling that literally warmed my heart. For those of us lucky enough to
question, sometimes we are led back home.
Which I thought for me meant Sydney. It’s where I grew up, what I’m used
to. But listening to Akash’s example of a stagnating river, I was left with the
question…was I letting metaphorical water flow in and out of my life? Or were
my barriers too stringent, so I stuck to what I knew.
Following your heart and your truth, which is my
understanding of dharma, is not necessarily going to be an easy path. As I did
my run this morning, I was reminded of Yogananda’s quote which always comes
back to me in challenging times…’an easy life is not a victorious one’. I know
that I have found my bliss in yoga. The feeling of leaving a class where there
is an equal exchange of this amazing energy between yourself and your students
really is a gift that I can’t find words for.
And the truest security we can easy have lies in our heart space.
Remembering back to my time in Nepal, I saw the Nepalese
people so blissfully happy living such simple lives. Upon my return and walking
through Sydney’s QVB…weird out of body experience. We had so much materialism
but where was the heart, the connectedness? Sometimes it seems, the more you
have, the less you have.
Santosha, or contentment, comes from feeling at home and
trusting in that sacred space within ourselves. So it seems that I have done a
360 since moving here. When I first moved here, I missed my then home and
wanted the fast pace and all the trappings both good and bad that came with it.
But in the words of Martin Luther King, I have a dream…to leave my mark upon
the world. And this only comes from following our dharma…which is ours. It
takes at times setting ourselves free from both judgements and expectations.
I close my classes now with a ritual, to remind us to come
back home. It’s the first spiritual ritual that I remember..grant me the
serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things
I can and the wisdom to know the difference. So as you all enjoy the rituals of
your Sunday morning, remind yourselves that life is destined to be set on a
stage rather than a spreadsheet.
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