Friday, 23 November 2012

It’s only the beginning

And I was literally just making daisy chains in my backyard. Starting something new can sometimes seem a bit bigger than Ben Hur. Take this term of teaching…how the crap was I going to teach art? Needless to say, I absolutely love it to bits.  So inspired by the amazing works that young people can just churn out. Sadly though, often not believing in themselves…’it’s a bit fail Miss’…really? You could have fooled me! And therein lies the rub, we don’t know how great we are or can be and sadly for some that doesn’t change.
Shel served up santosha in a truly lush class this morning. I will miss those classes girl, I think I’ll have to bottle them. Contentment as I have come to understand it is knowing that we are enough and we have enough at any given point in time. The belief that we need something external to fill a void is the biggest marketing con around. We can get satisfaction…a breath of air when the rain has passed…a dive in the ocean first thing in the morning…the smell of coffee in the air. Simplicity and the serendipity that these things bring is priceless. Excuse the Master Card (?) analogy here.
I’ve tried finding contentment by looking to things in the future, but that just led to a 3am wake up call. A favourite teacher of mine has a quote that I find golden: being present is the most profound thing we can do for ourselves and in turn others.
Alanis Morisette also reinforces this in her lines: ’the rest is still unwritten’.  It’s quite amazing to sit on your grass at dusk and make daisy chains, who would want to be anywhere else?

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