Thursday, 4 December 2014

Heart that’s pounding…

Heart that’s pounding…
Sally Seltmann sings of ‘…having a shot at the best day of her life’, before it is prematurely ripped from her hands. We all have a shot, in every moment, at the best days of our lives and all too often it is us that prematurely rip them away.
What’s love got to do with it? Nothing and everything. We need love to exist, to have a reason for being and to feel good. And with the bitter, there is the sweet. As the weather gets warmer, I am reminded of the energy of the heart. It gets broken once open, leaving it vulnerable and exposed. So why do we go there time and time again?
In terms of dreamers, we are a bunch of them. ‘To sleep, perchance to dream’ says Will Shakespeare. We all need a heart, even though it can be broken – because it’s a two edged sword. The flipside of love is fear; we can’t have one without the other. Are we vulnerable enough to live within this dichotomy? Essentially vulnerability is all there is – it takes great risk in order for great reward to happen. One of my favourite yoga teachers started one of her courses with the following suggestion: ‘allow your heart to break every day’. And there is a beauty in that, in allowing yourself to fall in love with the smallest things; such as the magic and fragility of a butterfly taking flight. It cares not for who it may run into along the way; it just does its thing.  
And the more we do our thing, the more we grow and experience life. ‘Feeling the love’ is about facing fear on all levels. I was super scared of an ‘it’s a knockout’ (apologies if you didn’t grow up in the eighties) type pool party ride. I’d almost made it back to my car, but then in a heartbeat I pulled out my bikini and a makeshift towel and made for the pool. Thinking of that butterfly I mentioned earlier, I ran for it and yes – stacked it magnificently along the way. And what did I fall into? A beautiful refreshing swimming pool – cue me smiling stupidly as I drove to see a friend for dessert. The fear picture in our heads is always a gazillion times worse than the experience in reality.
And the truth is that we are never alone and the truest truth is that we must love ourselves and grant ourselves the gift of wholeness, in order to have space for others. I had to take this pool party challenge for myself, bikini self-consciousness coupled with fear of falling still didn’t stand in my way. The energetic properties of the heart are communication and strength. Being strong in your own will to say what you need, to listen to your gut – even if it may mean risking rejection.
So, in the words of Roxette, ‘listen to your heart when he’s calling for you’. Many people will cross our path and we all have our crosses to bear, but allow your load to lighten by taking the risk of allowing your heart to break. And in the process, you may just have more than one shot at many ‘best days’ in life.

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