Sunday, 19 January 2014

The cherry on top

Preferably atop a pistachio gelato. But not till next week...clean living this week...for the most part anyway.  As the rain starts to fall outside, it has led me to going within. Laughable but my check in on facebook...yes shameful but true...reminded me of my dance studio's proximity to Balmain. Regrets...those things from the past that every now and then can niggle. In a case of divine timing, this latest regret comes on the back foot of my Nida week. And one of the strongest reminders from last week was to keep moving forward in life. Experiences and opportunities do knock more than once.
What we lose also leads us to gain in other ways. Inspiration in buckets has come my way and being back home has reminded me to 'stay golden'. One of my favourite protagonists, Holden Caulfield, mad as he is, reminds us that there are precious things...that reside in our heart. The heart that is warmed by coming back to Sydney Dance Company and breathing in the black plastic underneath my skin. The fact that, despite three hours of sleep, this is the only place I want to be right now. Because it is gold. It is a moving forward...knowing that this will always be my home, even when I am far from it. A fellow golden soul told me that, even though I may be away from here, it will always be in my heart. And the teacher whose class I am about to attend was also the one who reminded me the importance of stepping away.
The challenge is finding the boogie despite the boundaries.  It's a chance for me to try new styles and to face other fears. Scared to my skin about teaching this year...Drama teaching. Because it questions the foundations at the same time of being amazingly inspiring.
So moving forward by being brave, staying golden by nourishing myself and getting back to my roots regularly.
I'll keep you posted peeps xx

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