Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Blushing against rocks

Damsel in distress stuck between a rock and a hard place..that was the headline for my life two weeks ago in Gembrook. The thing is, our challenges are gifts. Unbeknownst to me at the time, at the core of this challenge was a beam of light, as it were. For a short period of time, my life, along with my car, were both in darkness. Funnily enough, the soundtrack of Claire Bowditch continued to play in the background. Which was where that beam of light began..
Old habits can die hard. But, unlike the band whose song continues to play, we can change the soundtrack and thus the outcome. Life goes on, dependent upon the paths and the choices that we make. It was incredibly grounding for me that, upon reaching my destination in Gembrook, my chaperone reminded me that ' it will all work out'. Which indeed it does. Giving in to the drama only serves to perpetuate it.
In the past, I have attached to my dramas, only to see them played out on the stage of my life time and time again. The mind is indeed a powerful thing. The weekend that I attended looked at connecting the heart and the head. The head helps us to focus the dreams, including those that lie dormant, in our hearts. Setting an intention for everything you do can powerfully transform your life in any given moment.
As I was driving along the Black Spur, the masterful Ms Bowditch was reminding me that 'I cannot stop the world. But I'll be the tigress behind you.' This is what an intention has come to mean to me. She wrote this song about her daughter, about passing on to her the lucky life that she was fortunate enough to grow up with. The Black Spur during the night held a lot more fear for me than it did on the sunny Monday of my return. However, what was happening in my mind during these two different time periods were worlds apart. Singing along to Claire on the way back, with many happy images in my head had a much better effect on my drive home.
So let there be sugar plums in your head - whatever these are for you. And then use your mind to manifest those that are spine tingling for you.

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